Corporate Governance Paper Writing and Presentation Competition 2017
Students: Crystal Chan, Kate Yen, Cecilia Yau
Result: First Runner-up
Date: 21 Oct 2017
Chan Po Kei, Crystal and Yen Hiu Lui, Kate, final year students from Department of Business Administration, teamed up with Cecilia Yau, have won the First Runner-up in the Corporate Governance Paper Writing & Presentation Competition 2017
HKICS Corporate Governance Paper Writing and Presentation Competition is an annual competition established in 2006 to raise awareness of the importance of good governance among undergraduates of local universities. In 2017, participants are required to submit a paper on the theme “Corporate Governance and Business Sustainability". The six finalist teams of the Paper Competition were invited to present their papers and compete for the Best Presentation Award on 21 October 2017.
Congratulations to all of them!
Photo 1: From left to right: Cecilia Yau, Kate Yen, Crystal Chan
Photo 2: Crystal Chan, Kate Yen, and Dr. Mark Ng