BBA (Hons)
Career Prospects

Education Pathways


Graduates may pursue further studies in different areas of business and professional tracks locally or overseas. They are eligible for admission to the Master of Science in Marketing and Consumer Psychology provided by the Department of Business Administration. Graduates had been admitted to masters and doctoral business programmes in major local universities like University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, City University of Hong Kong, and prestigious overseas universities like London School of Economics, London University, Edinburgh University, National University of Singapore and Texas A&M University.

Graduate Profile

According to the Graduate Employment Survey (2024), about 71.4% of the graduates of the BBA program were employed in the marketing/ sales, human resources/ personnel, banking/ finance, accounting/ auditing/ taxation, administrative, executive and general support services, business development, customer services and food and beverage sectors.

Job Nature

Employed Graduates
Marketing/ Sales 20%
Human Resources/ Personnel 14.3%
Banking/ Finance 8.6%
Accounting/ Auditing/ Taxation 5.7%
Administrative, Executive and General Support Services 5.7%
Business Development 5.7%
Customer Services 5.7%
Food and Beverage 5.7%

In 2024, the average monthly income of our graduates was around HK$ 17,847.
Source: Graduate Employment Survey (2024) (internal use)

Career Prospects

Our graduates will possess a solid, generalist background that can be used to mount the widest possible job search. Most of our graduates started their career in the fields of advertising and marketing, administration, audit, banking and finance, customer service, legal, property, logistics and operation management, including some famous companies, for example, Bank of China, Cathay Pacific, China Mobile, Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong Disneyland, Hong Kong Airlines, Immigration Department, Hospital Authority, HSBC, Sun Hung Kai Properties, and etc. In short, the programme prepares graduates for a globalized and rapidly changing business world, where individuals may pursue a number of different careers during their working lives.

Alumni Sharing


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