Techathon + 2025: Finalists Featuring DealEats Innovation
Techathon+ 2025, hosted by HKSTP, featured over 1,800 participants and 380 teams, with HKSYU's DealEats team advancing to the finals by developing an innovative search engine for food delivery deals.


First Honours Graduation Celebration 2024
On Friday, 29 November 2024, an inspiring First Honours Ceremony was held to recognise the outstanding achievements of 14 exceptional students in the Department of Business Administration.

「築夢灣區」惠州實習計劃2024 【優秀學員獎】
徐可歆同學在芸芸24位實習生中突圍而出,展現積極正面的學習態度,良好的團隊協調力和溝通能力,並在工作和活動中主動擔當責任,獨立主動地解決問題。 經過主辦方和實習企業評核後,正式頒發【優秀學員獎】以示表揚和鼓勵。

港樹仁大學杭州數字人文考察交流團 2024

Opening Ceremony 2024

President List 2023-24
We would like to confirm that the President’s List Ceremony 2023-24 will be held on 25 October 2024, Friday at 4:30pm in RLG208, Research Complex.



靈活仁大商學院課程 - 成就未來巨商

樹仁大學四個 BBA 課程 - 迎合你不同的專業出路
工商管理學(榮譽)學士課程 : 數碼市場學
工商管理學(榮譽)學士課程 : 人力資源管理與應用心理學
工商管理學(榮譽)學士課程 : 企業管治及風險管理 (只限三年級入學)

China Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau Enterprise Business Case Analysis Competition 2024
Guo Shijie, Li Yun, Li Yuanqin, Chen Anyi, and Li Fengdie won the Gold Award in the competition

Graduation Ceremony 2023
Date: 24 November 2023
BBA (Hons)
BBA (Hons) in Digital Marketing
BBA (Hons) in Corporate Governance and Risk Management
Master of Science in Marketing and Consumer Psychology

Master of Science in Marketing and Consumer Psychology: 2024-2025 Admission Now Open
Marketing Management and Digital Marketing
Consumer Psychology
Data Analytics and Research

First Honours Graduation Celebration 2023
BBA (Hons)
BBA (Hons) in Corporate Governance and Risk Management
BBA (Hons) in Digital Marketing

2024-25 硕⼠及博⼠研究⽣课程咨询线上讲座
日期: 2023年11⽉16⽇(星期四)
讲座⽇程: VooV 直播(普通话)
* VooV链接将于收到申请后发到登记电邮
电话:00852 2806 7307

香港樹仁大學舉行「2022-2023年度校監優異成績榜」頒獎禮(President’s List Ceremony),表揚在2022/2023學年考獲平均積點3.5或以上的一至三年級學生。今屆合共124名學生獲嘉許。

粵港澳大灣區大學生創意節 (香港賽區)

四年級生林倬均 (Travis) 獲得共20萬港元的創業基金
工商管理學系數碼市場學四年級生林倬均(Travis),早前憑其初創企業Alpha Eco於HK Tech 300創新創業計劃中獲得共20萬港元的創業基金,未來更有機會再獲得100萬港元天使基金。

Virtual International Online Program
本校學生贏得國際獎項。國際事務及交流部(International Unit)較早前推出一個與新加坡新躍社科大學(Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS))合作的國際網上課程(Virtual International Online Program)予本校學生參加,其中工商管理學系—人力資源管理與應用心裡學三年級學生歐陽紀婷(Jessica),完成課程後成功從多國參與者中脫穎而出,獲得由 SUSS Make A Difference(MAD)課程頒發的「最受歡迎解決方案」獎項(The Most Liked Solution Award)。

一年級: (1) 愛訊集團(香港)有限公司為入讀「工商管理(榮譽)學士學位-數碼市場學」一年級新生提供每名二萬港元的獎學金。(2) 長弓慈善基金有限公司為入讀指定商學院學士學位課程的一年級本地學生提供每名一萬港元的入學獎學金。
二/三年級: 若能在副學士或高級文憑達到要求的平均積點 (GPA) 的學生,將獲發入學獎學金。

First-Class Honours Award Presentation Ceremony 2022
The Department invited the First-Class Honours graduates and their family members and friends to attend the Ceremony as to recognize their academic achievement and efforts.

President’s List 2021-22
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the following students who achieved a distinguished result of a yearly GPA 3.5 or better in 2021-2022.




President List 2020-2021
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the BBA students who achieved a distinguished result of a yearly GPA 3.5 or better in 2020–2021.

愛訊集團獎學金 iFREE GROUP Scholarship
愛訊集團再為香港樹仁大學「工商管理學(榮譽)學士課程 – 數碼市場學」提供一百萬元獎學金,校董會委員、愛訊集團主席陸國權接受專訪分享營商創業心得,認為創新需要自己內心去思考很特別的事,是學生需要掌握的關鍵。

Commerce Newsletter Volume 2 商學院通訊 第2期
- Campus news
- 校園消息
- Teacher's sharing
- 老師分享
- Alumni's sharing
- 校友分享

Academic Week 2021
The Academic Week 2021 was successfully held from 11 to 15 October and 8 November 2021.
Tomorrow Now: Envisioning Your Career in the Changing Business Environment after Covid-19
Please click and see the photo galleries.

堅持仁者教育初心 ,追求創新與突破

BBA實習科目學生:學系安排有系統 助同學檢視表現
工商管理學系2020年畢業生潘美婷Maggie,在四年級下學期因為選修了BUS 490 Internship 科目,於3月份展開了她為期約2個月的實習工作,她最近接受《樹仁簡訊》訪問時談及上述的感想。


樹仁50周年校慶: 校友專訪系列 (1)
【50周年校慶 ‧ 校友專訪】龍子明、龍允浩父子心中的「樹仁精神」

樹仁50周年校慶: 校友專訪系列 (2)
【50周年校慶 ‧ 校友專訪】伍家豪和伍家進兩兄弟 難忘母校培育做人應有態度

樹仁 Big Fans 夫婦
樹仁 big fans 夫婦感恩母校教導 鄔鎮華佩服校長校監寧願挨苦也不改變心旨 李少儀毋忘湯定宇教授教誨

36名參與工作實習的同學,在實習中表現卓越,獲頒「香港青年總裁協會優異實習表現獎」(Hong Kong Young Chief Officers’ Association Outstanding Internship Performance Award) 2020/2021年度獎學金。

HKSYU jumps in QS Asia University Rankings 2021
Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) has improved its position within the ranks of Asia’s top universities, the university announced. HKSYU is the only private university in Hong Kong to feature in the QS Asia University Rankings 2021.
HKSYU has jumped to 301-350 this year after making its debut at 401-450 last year, thanks to the exceptional quality of the university’s teaching, learning and research.

MBTI Personality Workshop to MBTI & Cash Flow Workshops on 26-27 May 2021
MBTI Personality Workshop
Date:26 May 2021 (Wed)
Time:1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Venue: RHB 108, Research Complex, HKSYU
“Rich Dad” Cash Flow Workshop
Date:27 May 2021 (Thu)
Time:1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Venue: RHB 108, Research Complex, HKSYU
Host Speakers:
Ms. Windy CHAN & her TEAM
Senior District Director
Senior Financial Planning Consultant
Certified Trainer
Event Registration Form: https://forms.gle/k5QQ46YVBXgPsdq79

New Open Access Book: Emotion and Proactivity at Work Edited by Kelly Z. Peng and Chia-Huei Wu
Dr. Kelly Z. Peng recently co-published an edited book "Emotion and Proactivity at Work: Prospects and Dialogues". This edited book is aimed to disseminate new thinking in synergistic interaction of emotion and proactivity to advance the understanding of the emotional process of proactivity and forward- looking future research revenues.

The Evolution of Digital Entrepreneurship, FinTech and FinReg Conference (24 March 2021)
The conference is an academic activity for the university 50th Anniversary Celebration and also part of the INTER-INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME (IIDS) which are fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (RGC Ref. No.: UGC/IIDS15/B01/19).

Inauguration Ceremony of the Financial Talent Incubation Centre and Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar (23 March 2021)
Over 110 of BBA students attended the event either at RLB303 or via Zoom Meeting. For the inauguration, the Department was very pleased to invite Prof. Catherine Sun (孫天倫教授) (Academic Vice President, HKSYU) as the Honorable Guest. After the inauguration, Mr. Banly Cheung (張湋楊先生) (Managing Director, LuxBalance) shared his experience about innovation and entrepreneurship.

Commerce Newsletter - Volume 1
During the first semester of the 2020-21 academic year, the Faculty of Commerce had arranged six seminars with various commerce and academic themes, in both modes of face-to-face and online meetings. Taking into consideration of copyright issues, selected video clips
were ready for viewing. Students are very welcome to watch these videos and review the seminar highlights.
In the second semester, the Faculty will organize even more seminars in different topics for students to better understand current business practices.

President's List 2019-2020
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the BBA students who achieved a distinguished result of a yearly GPA 3.5 or better in 2019–2020.

The Grand Opening of the iFREE GROUP Innovation and Research Centre
The Grand Opening of the iFREE GROUP Innovation and Research Centre situated on the 5/F of the Higher Block of the Research Complex at Hong Kong Shue Yan University was held on October 28, 2020. The Centre, set up under a donation from iFREE GROUP, comprises the Big Data Laboratory, the Virtual Reality Laboratory, and the Social Robotics & Digital Living Laboratory. The Centre is gradually in full operation from this academic year and is available for use for both staff and students.

IIDS Zoom Seminar: The New Digital Landscape of Entrepreneurship
Topic: Entrepreneuring in a digital world: A research agenda
Speaker: Professor Satish NAMBISAN
Date: TUE 22 Sep 2020
Time: 09:00am to 10:15am

IIDS Zoom Seminar: Entrepreneurship Network in the Digital Era
Topic: Entrepreneurship, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence
Speaker: Professor Martin OBSCHONKA
Date: TUE 22 Sep 2020
Time: 10:30am to 11:45am

工商管理學(榮譽)學士課程 – 人力資源管理與應用心理學 ‧ 2020年9月開辦
如果你有意在大學修讀工商管理課程,但又同時想探究心理學與人的關係,香港樹仁大學新開辦的「工商管理學(榮譽)學士課程 – 人力資源管理與應用心理學」,相信是你最佳的選擇。