Techathon + 2025: Finalists Featuring DealEats Innovation

由香港科技園公司(科技園公司)與本地大專院校合辦的年度學界創科盛事Techathon+ 2025圓滿結束。超過1,800名本地與世界各地的創科專才,組成超過380支隊伍參與今次競賽。參賽隊伍於決賽,按照「人工智能與數據科學」、「可持續發展與環境、社會及管治」、「數字經濟」,以及「智慧城市」四大科技主題,構思創意與可行性兼備的創新方案。


Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) hosted Techathon+ 2025, a flagship annual cross-universities entrepreneurship competition co-organized by HKSTP and local universities and institutions. The competition attracted over 1,800 participants, comprising more than 380 teams from around the world. Competing teams developed innovative and feasible solutions within four themes: “Trusted AI & Data Science”, “Sustainability & ESG”, “Digital Economy” and “Smart Cities”.

The team from HKSYU designed a search engine called DealEats, which helps consumers compare prices and find the best deals by aggregating listings from local food delivery platforms such as FoodPanda, Deliveroo, and Keeta. This team, comprised of Wai-ting Lam and Wai-fong Chu, year 4 students from our BBA (Hons) programme, successfully advanced to the finals. They competed against other local and international teams from countries including the mainland China, the United States, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau, Australia, Portugal and Brazil.

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