News and Events
Mentorship Programme

Mentorship is a scheme, based on mutual communication and trust, in which a business leader, executive or professional (the mentor) helps a business student (the mentee) to understand the current business development, exchange the industry information, and to discover more about own self, potential and capability.
- To strengthen our students' personal, professional and social developments
- To enhance our students' linkage to community life and real business
- To provide opportunities to our students to communicate with professionals and community leaders and know more industry information
Mercer 手記 - 都市日報
香港樹仁人學 - 香港青年總裁協會
回想Mercer的大學時代,一路走來亦有不少師兄的幫助!原來香港樹仁大 學工商管理學系最近與香港青年總裁協會合辦「師友同行計劃」,讓一班 年輕人有機會從前輩身上學習。Mercer收到風,參與活動的香港青年總裁 協會會董將成為導師,向學員分享自己的人生經驗,協助他們成長。日前 計劃正式舉行啟動禮,師、友雙方立即把握機會交流溝通!協會更向 Mercer述露,他們未來打算加強與大學合作,包括提供上市公司工作實習 機會、海外交流團等,擴闊同學們的視野。