- Legal Literacy: Lecture Notes with Exercises and Assignments. Mimeograph, 2020, 254 pp.
- (Co-authored with David W. K. Yeung) “Brexit: A Cross-disciplinary Study in Politics, Socio-Economics and Game Theory with Predicted Impacts for Evidence Verification,” paper presented at The Institutional Development Scheme International Conference - Bridging The Gap: Translating Interdisciplinary Research into Evidence-based Practice, Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, 3-4 May 2019.
- (Co-authored with David W.K. Yeung) China’s Belt-Road Initiative: The Political Economy of Coordinated Coalitional Cooperation. In: Tony Fu-Lai Yu and Diana S. Kwan (eds.) Contemporary Issues in International Political Economy. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 197-226.
- (Translated from Chinese to English) Jao Tsung-I, The Paintings of Jao Tsung-I (古意今情: 饒宗頤畫路歷程), Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong, 2001.