Sessional Lecturer

E-mail:  lccheng@hksyu.edu
Telephone:    +(852) 2804 8401
Office: RHB 309
Academic Qualifications
  • PhD, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
  • PhD, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
  • MBA, York University, Canada
  • MSc, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • BA, York University, Canada
Courses Taught
  • Introduction to Business
  • Business and Organization Management
  • Principles and Practice of Management
  • Principles of Marketing
Selected Publications
  1. Cheng, L.C. (2015). “Brand Sensitivity and Consumer Perceptions of Brand Functions: An Empirical Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Products”. Conference paper accepted and presented in the Fourth International Conference on Applications of Anthropology in Business, held from 21-25 May 2015 in Tianjin by the Business School at Tianjin Finance and Economics University, China, co-sponsored by the Institute of Business Anthropology, Shantou University, the North America Business Press and other academic institutions in China. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Business Anthropology.
  2. Cheng, L.C. (2014). A Qualitative Research on Brand Sensitivity: Tradition Chinese Medicine Health Products. GSTF Journal of Business Review, Vol.3, No.4, pp.75-80.
  3. Cheng, L.C. (2012). A Research on Brand Sensitivity and its Effects on Consumer Buying Decision Process: Tradition Chinese Health products as Examples. Contemporary Economics Vol. 12, pp.15-17.
  4. 鄭利泉:消費者品牌敏感對傳統中藥保健品企業的啓示【J】。當代經濟Contemporary Economics ,2012 年3 月,第294期
  5. 鄭利泉:中藥保健品的消費者價值與品牌策略【J】。研訊學刋 Research Journal,2011年9月,第17期。
  6. 鄭利泉:中成藥保健品品牌敏感對購買决策的影響研究 — 以香港中成藥保健品爲例。Doctoral Dissertation, PhD degree,上海財經大學 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics。
  7. 鄭利泉:A Study of the TCM Policy and its Strategy for Future Development in Ontario, Canada 加拿大安大略省傳統中醫藥政策未來方向的研究。Doctoral Dissertation, PhD degree,廣州中醫藥大學 Guangzhou University of Tradition Chinese Medicine.
  8. 鄭利泉:A Study of the TCM Policy in Hong Kong  香港中醫藥政策動向的研究。 Master degree Thesis,香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong。
Research Interests
  • Brand management
  • Consumer behavior