Dr. Brian Chi Bo WONG

Assistant Professor

E-mail:  cbwong@hksyu.edu
Telephone:    +(852) 2804 8534
Office: RHB 415
Academic Qualifications
  • PhD in Business and Management, University of South Australia, Australia
  • MSc in Business Information Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
  • MA in Marketing Management, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
  • MBA, Cardiff University, UK
  • BSc (Hons) in Information Engineering, University of Manchester, UK
Professional Qualifications
  • Chartered Marketer, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
  • Full Member, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
  • Diploma in Marketing, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
Courses Taught
  • BUS 304 Marketing Strategy
  • BUS 340 Internet and Social Media Marketing
  • BUS 472 Capstone Project II
  • BUS 502 Marketing Communications and Brand Management
  • BUS 521 Digital Marketing and Internet Consumer Behavior
  • BUS 541 Master’s Project
Selected Publications

  1. Wong, C.B., Liang., Y. (2024). Unravelling purchaser retention: exploring the influence of direct and moderating factors for single and multiple NFT platform purchasers. Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation. Springer. forthcoming.
  2. Wong, C. B., Law, M., & Wu, W. C. B. (2023, February). Determinants of Customer Loyalty: A Green Marketing Perspective. In 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022) (pp. 447-462). Atlantis Press.
  3. Wong, C.B., Law, M., & Qi, J.Y. (2021, March). Factors Influencing Continuance Intention towards Mobile Banking Services in China. Paper Presented at the Evolution of Digital Entrepreneurship, FinTech and FinReg, Hong Kong. https://digitalefin.hksyu.edu/index.php/category/conference.
  4. Wong, K.L.K., Wong, C.B., Wong, W.Y., & Wong, M.S. (2020). Moderators affecting relationship between student satisfaction and student retention in self-financed tertiary education sector: A conceptual research model. Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education, Vol. 2020 (2020), DOI: 10.5171/2020.292250.
  5. Wong, C.B., Wong, K.L.K., Wong, W.Y., & Ng, H.C. (2018). The moderating effect of relationship termination costs in the link between relationship commitment and intention to stay: An empirical study of self-financed tertiary education institutions in Hong Kong. 32nd IBIMA Conference: Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic Development and Application of Innovation Management from Regional expansion to Global Growth (pp.6530-6543), Seville, Spain, ISBN: 9781713812418.
  6. Wong, C.B., Wong, K.L.K., Ng, H.C., & Chou, C.P. (2018).  Rewarding and punitive switching barriers in a continuous purchasing setting: impact of relationship age. Journal of Electronic Banking Systems, Vol. 2018 (2018), DOI: 10.5171/2018.812508.
  7. Wong, C.B., Wong, K.L.K., Wong, M.H., & Wong, M.K. (2017). Switching barriers that help retain online retail banking users:  A study of basic and advanced users. 29th IBIMA Conference: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 (pp. 2956-2969). Vienna, Austria. ISBN: 978-0-9860419-7-6.
  8. Wong, C.B., Wong, K.L.K., Wong, M.H., & Chan, E.W.C. (2016). Use of switching barriers to retain customers: Online retail stock traders in Hong Kong. GSTF Business Review, 4(4), pp.93-98. DOI: 10.5176/2010-4804_4.4.401.
  9. Wong, C.B., Wong, K.L.K., Ng, H.C., & Wong, M.H. (2013). Mainland Chinese tourists’ expectations, perceived performance of and satisfaction towards shopping malls in Hong Kong. GSTF Business Review, 2(3), pp.134-139. DOI: 10.5176/2010-4804_2.3.230
  10. Wong, C.B., & Wong, K.L.K. (2013). Perceived usefulness of Internet for adopters and non-adopters: An empirical analysis of retired senior citizens in Hong Kong. GSTF Journal on Computing, 2(4), pp.55-60. DOI: 10.5176/2251-3043_2.4.210.  
  11. Wong, C.B., & Wong, K.L.K. (2012). The moderating effect of switching barriers: Online stock and derivatives trading. GSTF Business Review, 2(2), pp.245-251. 
  12. Wong, C.B. (2012). Facebook usage by small and medium-sized enterprise: The role of domain-specific innovativeness. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 12(4), Version 1.0, pp.52-59. Online ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN: 0975-4350.
  13. Wong, C.B., Ng, H.C., Wong, K.L.K., & Wong, M.H. (2012). The relationship between shopping mall attributes, customer satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth: China visitors in Hong Kong. Global Journal of Management and Business, 12(3), Version 1.0, pp.49-62.
  14. Wong, C.B. (2011). The influence of satisfaction and relationship commitment on student loyalty in self-financed tertiary education institutions. World Journal of Management, 3(1), pp.1-14.
  15. Wong, C.B. (2011). The effect of satisfaction and switching costs on customer retention: retail Internet banking services. Global Economy and Finance Journal, 4(1), pp.1-18. 
  16. Wong, C.B. (2011). Perceptions of customer satisfaction, switching costs and customer retention: An empirical study of basic and advanced Internet banking users in Hong Kong. Global Journal of Management and Business, 11(2), pp.57-66.
  17. Wong, C.B., & Mula, J.M. (2009). The moderating effect of switching costs on the customer satisfaction-retention link: Retail internet banking service in Hong Kong. IBIMA Business Review, 2, pp.20-28. 
  18. Wong, C.B., & Mula, J.M. (2009). The moderating effect of switching costs on the customer satisfaction-retention link: Retail internet banking service in Hong Kong. 11th IBIMA Conference: Innovation and knowledge Management in Twin Track Economies  (pp. 1773-1781). Cairo, Egypt. ISBN : 978-0-9821489-0-7.
  19. 王 志 寶 、 梁 詩 明 (2009) ,金 融 海 嘯 下 預 期 就 業 安 穩 信 心 及 預 期 經 濟 前 景 對 香 港 市 民 消 費 意 欲 的 影 響 ,於 司 徒 永 富 、陶 濤 ,金 融 海 嘯 對 中 港 兩 地 的 影 響 (頁 205-220) ,香 港 : 匯 智 出 版。
Research Interests
  • Strategic impacts of information systems and technology
  • Factors affecting technological adoption
  • Factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • E-Commerce