Dr. Jacky TANG

Assistant Professor

E-mail:  pmtang@hksyu.edu
Telephone:    +(852) 2804 8505
Office: RHB 406
Academic Qualifications
  • PhD, Management, TAMU, United States
  • Master, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
  • Bachelor, Business Administration, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Courses Taught
  • Reward Management
  • Contemporary Recruitment and Selection
  • Issues in Business Practice
  • Human Resource Management
  • Career and Life-Span Development
  • Marketing Research
Selected Publications
Journal Papers:
  1. Tang, P. M., Koopman, J., Elfenbein, H. A., Zhang, J., De Cremer, D., Li, C. H., & Chan, E. (2022). Using Robots at Work during the COVID-19 Crisis Evokes Passion Decay: Evidence from Field and Experimental Studies. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 71: 881-911
  2. Tang, P. M., Zhang, S., Li, C. H., & Wei, F. (2020). Geographical identification of the vulnerable groups during COVID-19 crisis: Psychological typhoon eye theory and its boundary conditions. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 74: 562-563.
  3. Bavik, Y. L., Tang, P. M., Shao., R. D., & Lam, L. W. (2018). Ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing: Exploring dual-mediation paths. The Leadership Quarterly, 29: 322-332.
Research Interests
  • Workplace Design
  • Workplace Digitalization