Academic Textbook :
- Law, C. (2019). A Flight Attendant's Essential Guide: From Passenger Relations to Challenging Situations. BrownWalker Press, Irvin, Boca Raton. ISBN: 978-1- 62734-728-0 (pbk.), 978-1-62734-729-7 (ebk.)
- Law, C. (2018). A Practical Guide to Airline Customer Service: From Airline Operations to Passenger Services. BrownWalker Press, Irvin, Boca Raton. ISBN: 978-1-62734-693-1 (pbk.), 978-1-62734-694-8 (ebk.)
- Law, C., & Doerflein, M (2014). Introduction to Airline Ground Service. Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-9-81445-597-8
Journal Publication :
- Khireldin, A., & Law, C. (2023). A discrete event simulation model for airport runway operations optimization: A case study of Cairo International Airport. Journal of Airport Management, forthcoming.
- Lin, E., Law, C., & Tan, S. (2022). “To go or not to go?”: business travel decision with the risk of COVID-19. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27, (8), .823-41.
- Law, C., Prompitak, K., & Wongwattanakit. (2022). Effects of Low-Cost Airlines on Domestic Tourism Economy in Thailand. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 13 (4), 935-48.
- Law, C. (2022), Efficiency in Thailand’s air transport industry in the era of air liberalisation policies. Case Studies on Transport Policy,
- Law, C., (2022), The Impact of Long Haul, Low Cost Flights: Linking Thailand to Japan and South Korea. Tourism and Hospitality Management,28 (1) 211-31,
- Law, C., Zhang, Y., & Gow, J. (2022). Airline Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intention: Laotian air passengers’ perspective. Case Studies on Transport Policy.
- Law, C., & Katekaew, R. (2022). COVID-19: ASEAN Aviation Policy and the Significance of Intra-regional Connectivity. Journal of Asian Economic Integration. DOI: 10.1177/26316846221075476
- Law, C., Zhang, Y., Gow, J., & Vu, X. (2022). Dynamic relationship between air transport, economic growth and inbound tourism in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. Journal of Air Transport Management, 98, 102161
- Law, C. (2021). The Relationship Between Air Transport and Rural Tourism in Thailand, Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 69 (3), 395-405. UDC: 338.48-44(1-22):656.7(593;
- Law, C. (2017). The Study of Customer Relationship Management in Thai Airline Industry: A Case of Thai Travelers in Thailand, Journal of Airline and Airport Management. JAIRM, 2017 – 7(1), 13-42 Online ISSN: 2014-4806 – Print ISSN: 2014-4865. DOI: 10.3926/jairm.86
- Law, C. (2017). Subsidy and Fair Competition. Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal, 1(2): 00006. DOI: 10.15406/aaoaj.2017.01.00006
Book Chapter :
- Zhang, Y., Law, C., Zhang, A. (2023). The Efficiency Performance of Full-Service Carriers in East and Southeast Asia Amid Increasing Air Transport Liberalization and LCC Presence, Volume 10 Advance in Airline Economic, Emerald. ISSN: 2212-1609/doi:10.1108/S2212-160920230000010008, forthcoming
- Law, C., & Lin, E. (2022), Do Ultra Long Haul Flights Attract More Premium Class Passengers? (Book Chapter), Volume 7 Advance in Global Air Transport Management and Reshaping Business Models for the New Era, IGI Global
- Zhang, G., Law, C., Zhang, Y., & Yang, H. (2021). Price Discrimination and Yield Management in the Airline Industry, International Encyclopaedia of Transportation, Elsevier. ISBN 978-008102-672-4
- Law, C., Zhang Y., & Zhang, A. (2018), An overview of regulatory reforms in international air transport and their impact on tourism development in Asia Pacific, Volume 7 Advance in Airline Economic, Emerald. ISBN: 978-1-78754-566-3
Conference :
- Law, C., Lin, E., & Tan, S. (2022). Carryon forces affecting business travel decisions in the face of COVID endemic. Paper Presented at International Conference “Aviation and Tourism-Post Pandemic Recovery: Challenges & Solutions” HCM, Vietnam during November 24-26, 2022.
- Khireldin, A., & Law, C. (2022). A Full-Scale Emergency Exercise Scenario for Aircraft Accident in the Airport. Paper Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology ICSET | 28-29 January 2022, Singapore. ISBN: 978-93-92105-50-0
- Law, C., & Zhang, Y. (2021). The Impact of Airline Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention: Evidence from Air Transportation Sector of Lao People's Democratic Republic. Paper Presented at the 24th ATRS World Conference | 26-29 August 2021, Sydney.
- Law, C., Wongwattanakit, C., & Promphitak, K. (2020). Examining the Economic Determinants of Air Transport in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Proceedings of the 2nd TOURIST International Conference - Sustainable Tourism Shaping Better Future, 20-21 July 2020, Bangkok.
- Intarapanich, N & Law, C (2017) Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Firm Performance through Employee Commitment: A Case Study of Hotel Business in Thailand", The 3rd Seoul International Conference on Social Sciences and Management (2017 SICSSAM), 7 - 9 February 2017, Seoul